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Yitzhak Sokoloff
Yitzhak Sokoloff
Yitzhak Sokoloff

Yitzhak is the Founder and President of Keshet Educational Journeys and a pioneer in the field of educational tourism in Israel. He is an Israeli political analyst, educator and tour guide.


Yitzhak studied history and international relations at Columbia University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and taught Political Science and Jewish Philosophy at the Hebrew University. He writes and lectures widely on strategic and cultural issues in the Israel-Arab conflict and contemporary Zionism. He also develops seminars for Israelis who have emerged from difficult combat conditions and is an activist in the Ethiopian immigration movement. 

Kayla Ship
Kayla Ship

Kayla Ship, Vice President and Program Director of Keshet, has been part of the Keshet team since 2000. Kayla was born and raised in Boston. She received a BA in Anthropology and Religion from Dartmouth College and holds a Masters in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School, where she concentrated on Scripture & Interpretation. In addition, she participated in the Visiting Graduate Student Program at Hebrew University, where she concentrated on Second Temple Period History and the “Golden Age of Spain”.


Kayla taught Jewish studies at Prozdor and at other religious schools in the Boston area and attended Camp Yavneh as a camper and counselor. Kayla made aliyah in 1997. She is a licensed tour guide and is the Director of Keshet’s Jewish Roots Journeys to Sepharad.  In addition to her educational touring work in Israel, she has guided numerous Educational Tours in Spain & Portugal.  Kayla is active in Conservative synagogues and the Masorti movement in Israel.

Danny Ehrlich
Danny Ehrlich

As a licensed Tour Guide and a pioneer in Jewish-Christian relations, Danny has served as Israel Tour Educator for a wide variety of Jewish and Christian groups, and has been a featured guest speaker at many churches and synagogues. A noted Holocaust Educator, Danny coordinates and leads Keshet Educational Tour programs in Poland and other parts of Central and Eastern Europe.


He holds Masters Degrees in Jewish History and in Social Work and served in professional leadership positions at the Tehilla Aliyah Movement, Yeshiva University's Communal Services, Bnei Akiva Zionist Youth Movement and the Coalition for Missing Israeli Soldiers. He also served the Ashkenazi community of Curacao, Netherlands Antilles as Cantor for nearly 20 years. Danny was born and raised in New York and made Aliyah to Israel with his wife Batya and their 3 children in 1996. 

Steve Zerobnick
Steve Zerobnick

Steve is the founder and director of ISI and Shovalim Tours and Travel which merged with Keshet in September, 2008. As a Jewish historian, educator, and tour guide licensed by the Israel Tourism Ministry, Steve's unique approach to touring Israel has made the country, its history, culture and people come alive for thousands of visitors for the past 30-some years. He has crafted specialized tours which became memorable and transformational experiences for clients of all ages, denominations and backgrounds. Steve is an avid biker, which encouraged him to develop and implement the concept of fund-raising bike rides with tours of Israel. 

Steve is also an aspiring author of historical fiction.  His most recent book, The Journey to Canaan, follows the life of the patriarch Abraham from before his departure from Ur through his arrival in the Land of Canaan.


A native of Denver, Colorado, Steve has lived in Israel for nearly 40 years. Steve is married to Rebeca Benson Zerobnick. The couple are proud parents of 4 children and a growing number of grandchildren. 

Geoff Winston
Geoff Winston

Geoff grew up in New Jersey and graduated from SUNY Albany with a BA in Judaic Studies. Geoff made aliyah in 1992 while volunteering on Project Otzma. He has worked as a program coordinator with Project Otzma and has been a guide and educator for Ramah Seminars in Israel and the Alexander Muss High School in Israel before joining Keshet.


Geoff started working with Keshet as a tour guide and group leader for Keshet's youth programs in 2006, joining the staff full time in 2008. In 2002, he was a founding staff member and worked for six years at the Keshet (no relation) Democratic School for religious and secular children in his home town of Zichron Ya'akov. Geoff is a licensed tour guide through Israel's Ministry of Tourism. He is married with five children.

Ariel Fogelman
Ariel Fogelman

Ariel is a Program Director at Keshet Educational Journeys and coordinates Keshet’s educational staff training and placement. He is an experienced Israel Tour Educator and served as the Director of the Haifa University Tour Guides Course. He continues to serve as a senior lecturer and consultant for the Ministry of Tourism training and educational programs.

Ariel taught Bible in the Israeli school system and was appointed by the Ministry of Education as a mentor for Bible teachers in the Jerusalem area.  
Ariel earned a Masters Degree in Jewish Education from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and is a graduate of the Israeli School of Tourism at Haifa University. He is a featured guest lecturer for teacher and guide training programs and for the IDF with specialties in Biblical studies & history, the State of Israel, curriculum development and methodology.

Ariel grew up in Jerusalem where he lives with his wife and three children. 

Fivel Glasser
Fivel Yedidya Glasser

Fivel holds a BA from Dartmouth College and Masters of Theological Studies from Harvard University, and received rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Shlomo Riskin in Israel.


He is also a licensed tour-guide. Fivel has been living in Israel since 2001. He grew up in a Reform Jewish household in New York State, not knowing too much about Zionism, and is now an Orthodox Rabbi living in Efrat with his wife Dorit and their four children.

Aimee Reed
Aimee Reed

Aimee was born in England, and made aliyah to Israel with her family at the age of one. She has certificates in Informal Education in Art and Nutrition. Aimee has been working at Keshet since 2006, initially as a Tour Operator both in the office and in the field, and currently as Community & Youth Programs Manager.


In her current role, Aimee organizes the educational programming for all of Keshet’s youth trips, including schools, camps and synagogue youth. She is the Associate Director of Sulam, Camp Morasha’s Israel trip. Aimee has extensive experience as a volunteer with Magen David Adom and helping victims of terror and their families.

Esther Ohana
Esther Ochana

Esti made aliyah from England with her family. She is a graduate of the Israeli Tourism School and has worked in the field of tourism and informal education for 26 years.


She joined the Keshet team in 2004 overseeing all the logistical and operational details for Keshet’s many programs, and for the past 10 years has been working as InnovatioNation Tours Director. Esti is married with four beautiful children.

Yehuda Martar
Yehuda Matar

Yehuda was born and raised in Efrat, Israel. He received a B.Ed. from the Hebrew University. Yehuda started working for Keshet as a youth counselor almost immediately after his army service in 2013, fell in love with the educational tourism world, and has since filled (almost!) every role in the company – from armed medic, through running field and office logistics, to guiding tour buses, hiring and training educational staff and directing programs.


Yehuda is currently the program director of “Dor L’Dor” - the Cohen Camps’ Israel trip, in addition to being in charge of hiring, training and helping the educational staff be the best in the field. In his private time, Yehuda enjoys reading, cooking and learning to be a parent, and tutoring students for the Israeli equivalent of the SAT test, the “psychometry”. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife Adva and their daughter Eliya. 

Steve Gray
Steve Gray

Steve recently took his longtime hobby of guiding individuals around Israel and made it his primary vocation.  He has been working with Keshet since August of 2010 concentrating on the development of the hi-tech and business touring portions of Keshet’s  InnovatioNation programs.

Steve left Intel in 2009 after almost 15 years, most of which were as part of the Intel Capital team, where he was investing in Israeli startups  that were aligned with Intel’s strategic goals.  An early member of the Intel Capital Israel team, Steve had a hand in virtually all of Intel’s venture investments in Israel.


Prior to joining Intel, Steve’s varied career included serving as CFO for an Israeli security hardware manufacturer, financial manager in a solar energy developer and a member of an agricultural commune, Kibbutz Gesher Haziv, in northern Israel where he was controller in their plastics factory.  Before making aliyah he was a partner in a local CPA firm in the Boston area after beginning his career with PricewaterhouseCoopers.  


Currently, in addition to his guiding work, Steve is serving as Treasurer of the Educational and Spiritual Center at Kibbutz Hannaton where he is a member.    

Steve received a B.S. in management science from Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute in 1971 and a Masters in Accountancy from Northeastern University in 1972. He became an Israeli CPA in 1980.  He completed the Israeli guide course with The Tourism School of the University of Haifa and has been guiding groups of Business students, investors and business people on tours of Israel combining the stories of the 1st century with the miracles of the 21st century. 

Asher Waldman
Asher Waldman

Asher was born in Israel and grew up in Jerusalem.  He lived in the US for a large part of his childhood. Asher holds a CPA & MBA from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.


His experience includes his previous position in the international accounting firm, KPMG.


Asher has been Keshet’s CFO since 2016.  

Einav Kachalov
Einav Kachlov

Einav is Keshet's Operations Department Manager. Einav grew up in the Katamon neighborhood of Jerusalem.


She served as a medic and a clinic manager in the Israel Defense Force. After her army service, she studied biotechnology at Hadassah College and received her BS. Einav lives in Maaleh Adumim with her husband, two daughters and their dog.

Kayla Ship
Steve Zerobnick
Danny Ehrlich
Geoff Winston
Ariel Fogelman
Fivel Yedidya Glasser
Aimee Reed
Esther Ochana
Yehuda Matar
Steve Gray
Asher Waldman
Einav Kachalov
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